
A New Year, A New Gym Membership, A New You

Even if it’s not your #1 New Year’s resolution, getting right with your new gym membership to meet this year’s fitness goals is up there at the top of you list. After all, a New Year and a new gym membership means a new you. Unfortunately, the numbers paint a different picture and according to statistics 1 out of every 3 Americans will ditch their goal by the end of January.

But these are merely numbers and you, my friend, are not just a statistic. This is the year you fully commit to your goal and see it through. Success begins in the mind. It’s up to you whether you decide to succeed. Try some of our personal trainers’ tried and true tips to approach your goals from a mental standpoint so that come December you can see the benefits physically.

Delray Beach Gym Membership


Stay Positive

It’s cliche, we know, but starting out with a positive mental approach is the foundation to your fitness goal success. Science has proven that those who ground themselves in positivity are much more likely to achieve their goals as well as achieving them tenfold. Overcome negative thinking by setting one large goal and then breaking it down into a series of smaller goals. Want to loose 20 pounds by summer? Try setting a weekly goal of 1 pound a week or every 2 weeks as you get slimmer. Don’t be scared to adjust your smaller goals according to reality, so long as it coincides with your overall plan.

Treat Yo’self

Human beings can be animals. You’ve seen it in yourself when you’ve yelled through the pain of that final hill climb. And as animals, we like to be rewarded. In the same way you praise your dog for rolling over on command, you can train your brain to associate goal crushing with positive rewards. For example, let yourself take in the glory of flopping on the couch only after you’ve used your gym membership that day. Days you skip the gym? “Punish” yourself with chores instead. That way you at least keep your body moving while gaining the additional benefit of a clean toilet.

Another method is to get your family and friends involved. Tell your best bud you can only go out for a cocktail on Friday night after you’ve stuck to the week’s workout routine.

Those Who Sweat Together

Birds of a feather flock together. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals will keep your resolution goals in check while making working out a hell of a whole lot more fun. Investing in a gym membership like what we offer at Purlife gives you access to some of Delray’s top personal trainers, group fitness classes and a state-of-the-art gym like nothing else in Palm Beach County.

As you set into achieving your New Year’s resolutions this years, fitness related or otherwise, don’t forget the power of your mind. And don’t forget to use that gym membership. You have the power to defeat every excuse to make healthy choices that will benefit both your present and future. Come on. You can do this!

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